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Sanford Housing Co-op is situated approximately half way between Surrey Quays and New Cross Overground stations.

The nearest bus stop is along the 225 route. The 225 can be taken from Canada Water station (Jubilee Line and London Overground) or from Surrey Quays station (London Overground) directly to Sanford. There is a bus every 15-20 minutes, however this can be more infrequent on weekends and bank holidays.

Sanford can also be reached by foot from New Cross Station or New Cross Gate station. Both are about 10 minutes walk from the coop.

There are a number of ways to get to New Cross or New Cross Gate from Central London:

  • Buses to New Cross or Surrey Quays (#47, #188, among others).
  • Main-line rail from London Bridge to New Cross Gate or New Cross.
  • Main-line rail from Victoria to New Cross Gate.
  • Overground to Surrey Quays, New Cross Gate or New Cross.
  • Jubilee line Underground to Canada Water. From Canada Water take #225 to Cold Blow Lane (K) for Sanford’s side entrance or to Sterling Gardens (L) for the front entrance.

Office Address:
Sanford Walk Housing Cooperative
11 Sanford Walk
New Cross
SE14 6NB

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